Sunday, May 19, 2019

250+ Modern Indian History Quiz [GK] Questions and Answers Part 2 - Quiz Question Zone

History MCQ Question And Answer Part 2
History MCQ Question And Answer Part 2
11 || the harappan people had knowledge of ?

[A] using iron tool
[B] mixing tin with copper
[C] using copper tools
[D] using spindle whorls to spin cloth

ANS : using iron tool

12 || which site does not show evidence of the OCP culture ?

[A] mahagara
[B] saipai
[C] lal quila
[D] atranjikhera

ANS : mahagara

13 || making pot a technique of great significance in human history , appeared first at least in a few areas during ?

[A] late stone age
[B] early iron age
[C] late iron age
[D] early stone age

ANS : late stone age

14 || the first excavation concerning the harappan civilization was carried out at ?

[A] harappa
[B] lothal
[C] rangpur
[D] mohan - jo - daro

ANS : harappa

15 || which of the following is not a principal site of malwa culture ?

[A] kayatha
[B] dangwada
[C] eran
[D] daimabad

ANS : daimabad

16 || harappan site of banwali is situated in ?

[A] haryana
[B] eastern U.P
[C] rajasthan
[D] M.P

ANS : haryana

17 || the evidence of harappan people using shield and armour is found from ?

[A] harappa
[B] mohan - jo - daro
[C] lothal
[D] none of these

ANS : none of these

18 || which harappan sites are situated on bank of river sindhu ?

[A] mahan - jo - daro, kotdiji , chanhudaro
[B] mahan - jo - daro, harappa, chanhudaro
[C] harappa , rangpur , mittathal
[D] harappa,chanhudaro,kotdiji

ANS : mahan - jo - daro, kotdiji , chanhudaro

19 || the earliest evidence of man in india is found in ?

[A] baluchistan
[B] godavari valley
[C] narmada valley
[D] kashmir valley

ANS : narmada valley

20 || which among the following metal was not known to the indus valley people ?

[A] iron
[B] silver
[C] gold
[D] copper

ANS : iron