Tuesday, October 8, 2019

950+ Modern Indian History Quiz [GK] Questions and Answers Part 6 - Quiz Question Zone

History MCQ Question And Answer Part 6 - Quiz Question Zone
History MCQ Question And Answer Part 6 - Quiz Question Zone

1 || A Graduated Scale On Shell Is Found From ?

[A] Dhaulvira
[B] Harappa
[C] Lothal
[D] Mahan-Jo-Daro
ANS : Mahan-Jo-Daro

2 || ' Dancing Girl ' In Bronze Bearded Male Torso In Stone Seal Picturising Deity Surrounded By Wild Animal ?

[A] Harappa
[B] Lothal
[C] Rangpur
[D] Mohan - Jo - Daro
ANS : Mohan - Jo - Daro

3 || The Decline Of Urban Phase Of Civilization Is Evident From ?

[A] Vanishing Of Harappa Script
[B] Disappearrance Of Bronze Tools
[C] No More Red Ware Pottery With Black Design
[D] All Of The Above
ANS : All Of The Above

4 || The Indus People Depended On Rajasthan For Supply Of ?

[A] Tin And Slate
[B] Tin And Silver
[C] Silver And Gold
[D] Slate And Jade
ANS : Tin And Slate

5 || ' European Theory ' About Homeland Of Aryans Was Advocated By ?

[A] W . Jones
[B] Max Mullar
[C] D. Saraswati
[D] B.G. Tilok
ANS : W . Jones

6 || The Evidence Of ' Furrowed Field ' Has Been Found In ?

[A] Ropar
[B] Kalibongan
[C] Rojadi
[D] Banawali
ANS : Kalibongan

7 || The Main Indus Civilization Crops Did Not Include ?

[A] Sugarcane
[B] Barley
[C] Cotton
[D] Wheat
ANS : Sugarcane

8 || In Which Position The Deads Were Buried By The Harappan's ?

[A] East - West Position
[B] Did Not Bury
[C] North-South Position
[D] Any Position
ANS : North-South Position

9 || Who Is Of The Opinion That Germany Was Aryan's Home Land ?

[A] Mach
[B] Shroader
[C] Giles
[D] Penka
ANS : Penka

10 || Cemetry H Is Situated In ?

[A] Harappa
[B] Rangpur
[C] Lothal
[D] Mahan-Jo-Daro
ANS : Harappa